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Photo of Samuel Beecher

Samuel Beecher

Home Lawrence KS 66044 Work Phone: 785-551-2485 Website:


Lawrence, Kansas

Samuel’s work as a movement educator and structural integrator is
centered in mindful, compassionate dialogue. He invites your
relationship with body, sensation, and emotion to be one filled with
curiosity and compassion. The curriculum in the Hellerwork Structural
Integration training has supplemented his intuitive and play-based
approach to movement and the body with manual therapy techniques,
movement education, and body-mind awareness dialogue. In a session, you
may experience hands-on work in various positions on the table, sitting,
standing, and in movement. Samuel is honored and inspired to practice at
Kinetikos, a place where three generations of his family have received
healing and support. Samuel trained as a Hellerwork Structural
Integration Practitioner at the Universal College of the Healings Arts,
is a Board Certified Structural Integration Practitioner, and has plans
to continue his education with studies in CranioSacral Therapy, Visceral
Manipulation, and Somatic Therapy. To schedule an appointment: