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Jake Schultz
Certified Hellerwork Practitioner since 1988: trained with Joseph Heller and Faculty. While maintaining my home office, I have also worked in
medical doctors’ and chiropractors’ offices. I have attended many of
Hellerwork International’s ongoing “Continuing Education” courses, as well
as classes in Cranial Sacral Therapy, Sports Medicine, Structural Medicine
and Movement Education. A member of the Hellerwork International Faculty
since 2001 and served on each board of the Hellerwork Organization.
My experience of receiving the Hellerwork series saved me from having back
surgery in the 1980s, therefore my belief in the value of Hellerwork is
first-hand. This experience prompted me to become a Practitioner.
Besides being a Hellerwork Practitioner, I enjoy spending time with my
family, playing music and riding my motorcycle in the countryside.