Webinars Directory

Myofascial Meridians
– with Chelsey App

The Meridians of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offer Structural Integrators a powerful, complementary framework for understanding and treating their clients on deeper levels. In this introductory class, which is part lecture, part movement, we will have a brief overview of the 12 Principal Meridians followed by a more in-depth look at how a few of these meridians might guide our SI work. We will then embody this knowledge in a Rolf-Yoga Class which will include self-applied acupressure/bodywork, yoga poses and qigong exercises. The Rolf-Yoga portion of class will be open-level, meaning that some previous yoga experience/adaptability in your mobility is recommended. Variations/modifications of poses will be offered to suit most bodies. All you’ll need is a yoga mat and some space to move around in. If you like using props, have those on hand as well. 

Zoom Sessions Your Clients Will Love

Zoom doesn’t have to be a stop-gap measure just to get you through the pandemic. It can change your bodywork or movement practice by allowing you to work with clients remotely. In order for it to work though, you need to first establish a deep and satisfying human connection.

The New Science of Pain

Pain, emotions, stress, it’s all linked. And it’s all about the Nervous System! Let’s explore how to shift our experience in this fun and informative class, hosted by Hellerwork International.

Introduction to a New Highly Specific Joint Mobilization Method

A new and highly effective method of joint mobilization will be presented. This method was developed and refined over many years by Jeffrey Burch from anatomic insights. The presentation includes highly specific assessment methods used to find the exact location and nature of joint capsule restrictions.

Hands-Free Structural Integration

As Structural Integrators, we have been trained to follow Ida Rolf’s recipe to realign the body by releasing connective tissue in an organized and structurally supportive way.

But what if there was another way, a more customized way, to allow each client to find their own recipe and restore balance in a way that was most appropriate for them? What if it helped find and restore the hidden little connections in each person’s fascial web that are hard for even the trained eye to see and find? What if it could be hands-free?

Calibrating Gentle Techniques with Jeff Burch

Techniques for assessing person’s body, to find the best place to work at each moment, and calibrating the most efficient and effective touch to use at that location.

Osteopathic manual therapy concepts and techniques for effective and efficient bodywork. 

Finding the best place to work at each moment:

Osteopathic assessment method called Local Listening with Inhibiition, used to compare two areas to see which one of the two is likely to be the most productive for improving the person’s overall structure and Function

How to find the most effective and efficient touch. 

Concept of barriers in tissue loading

The value of the First barrier   

Finding the First barrier amid tissue equilibrium